Feb 13, 2018 | Technology

What is the Supplier Admin Portal (SAP)?


The Supplier Admin Portal (SAP) is an energy management application that is part of Albireo’s energy management platform.

Supplier Admin Portal brings suppliers and brokers together by working directly on different pricing opportunities and bids. This allows suppliers to optimize their workflow by managing bids on multiple pricing opportunities. This also enables brokers to execute deregulated contracts by making it easier to post pricing opportunities and to get pricing back from suppliers.

How Does the Supplier Admin Portal Work?

The Supplier Admin Portal is where suppliers manage multiple bids and contact brokers directly on potential pricing opportunities. Brokers can list opportunities in the Supplier Admin Portal where suppliers can bid directly on them. Brokers can also list prices as auctions in the Supplier Admin Portal and invite suppliers to bid on them in the EnergyAuctions platform.

The Supplier Admin Portal furnishes suppliers with all of the documents required to make a bid. This helps suppliers exercise due diligence when bidding on multiple pricing opportunities.

Suppliers can credit accept one or more meters as part of the pricing opportunity, allowing them to bid on only the meters they want to bid on. Once the bids have been placed and a customer makes a decision, the Supplier Admin Portal will notify suppliers whether their bid was accepted or rejected.

What are the Benefits of the Supplier Admin Portal?

The Supplier Admin Portal helps energy brokers find the best supplier for their customers and helps suppliers find contracts they are able to furnish. Suppliers also benefit by gaining access to valuable utility data which they can use to carry out due diligence in other work tasks.

Bidding in the portal is fast and easy. Energy suppliers will be alerted when a bid is selected or denied, or if the pricing opportunity was rescheduled. The Supplier Admin Portal also provides suppliers with metrics on past pricing opportunities to help them improve their own pricing model moving forward. Equipped with this data, suppliers can make more competitive bids and gain insights into the market.

The Supplier Admin Portal helps improve the relationship between energy suppliers and brokers by adding efficiency and transparency to the energy market. With the Supplier Admin Portal, brokers can compare energy prices, execute a competitive deregulated energy contract, and support their customers in getting a contract with the best energy supplier.

In the process, suppliers are enabled to easily conduct due diligence and optimize their existing workflow. With available pricing data and metrics, suppliers can adjust their pricing model to place more competitive bids and acquire more contracts in their service area.

If you’re having trouble managing bids on pricing opportunities or acquiring new contracts, contact Albireo for more info and a demo today!

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