Managing Energy Costs and Demands for Small Businesses

Business Intelligence Portal (BIP) Features

The Business Intelligence Portal (BIP) is part of Albireo’s energy management platform, revolutionizing the way businesses handle their energy needs. The BIP is an energy analytics software platform that provides brokers insight into a wide range of key areas,...
Managing Energy Costs and Demands for Small Businesses

EnergyAuctions (EA) Features

EnergyAuctions (EA) is an online, reverse auction platform for electricity and natural gas procurement. With EA, brokers and small businesses can take back control of their energy procurement needs by flipping the energy market into a buyer’s market. With more choice...
Managing Energy Costs and Demands for Small Businesses

Intelligent Energy Management Software

Designing an intelligent energy management system requires planning and purpose to meet the needs of all stakeholders. Much like any digital product, understanding the business, customers, and technology of your marketplace is pivotal to meeting end-user demands. But...
Managing Energy Costs and Demands for Small Businesses

Benefits of Energy Data Management

Albireo’s cloud-based energy data management system helps brokers and suppliers optimize their business efficiency. By making energy data management easy and supportive of businesses, customers can track usage, improve the budgeting process, and meet...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items