What is the Supplier Admin Portal (SAP)?

What is the Supplier Admin Portal (SAP)?

auctions The Supplier Admin Portal (SAP) is an energy management application that is part of Albireo’s energy management platform. Supplier Admin Portal brings suppliers and brokers together by working directly on different pricing opportunities and bids. This allows...
What is the Supplier Admin Portal (SAP)?

Why Should Energy Brokers Use a Reverse Auction Platform

EnergyAuctions (EA) is a reverse auction platform that is part of Albireo’s energy management software suite. It’s a reverse auction platform used for energy procurement. An online, reverse auction invites suppliers to directly bid on contracts listed from brokers....
What is the Supplier Admin Portal (SAP)?

EnergyAuctions (EA): Online Reverse Auction Software

EnergyAuctions (EA) is online reverse auction software that is part of Albireo’s energy management platform. EnergyAuctions is an online, reverse auction that enables energy brokers to invite suppliers to bid on contracts for individual businesses and...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items