Simplified Metering Systems
Remotely hosting your power management system makes it even easier to save energy and manage your power consumption

Simplified metering saves money
Whether it is remotely managed or locally supported, an electrical power management system does not have to be complicated in order to add valuable insights into your electrical system. Shadow billing, cost allocation and energy usage tracking are all essential in reducing energy costs and consumption.
Dashboards are an effective way to reduce energy usage in a commercial building. By what is known as the Hawthorne effect, forms of reactivity where people improve or modify a behavior that is being monitored, occupants will naturally modify their use of energy when it is visible to them through an energy dashboard.
Tenant metering for commercial buildings
- Trim operating costs
- Use sub-metering to accurately gauge actual tenant consumption vs. kwhr per sqft or other metrics
- Contract sub-metering to Albireo Energy to act as the go-between between the landlord and tenants
- Utilize dashboards to effectively reduce energy usage in a commercial building
- Current and historical tracking and reporting
- Other utility monitoring including water, air, gas and steam WAGES
- Customizable dashboards
- ISO 50001 compliance
- Enable remote notifications for related systems
- Scalable to meet future needs
- Reduces energy consumption
- Trends and tracks critical loads to maximize capacity
- Secure cloud
- Integration to third party systems including BAS, OPC or ModbusTCP connectivity
- Technology-agnostic solutions
- Energy equivalencies in dashboard for critical KPI’s including tons of carbons or pounds of coal
Ready to discuss your power monitoring needs?
Whether you want to install a new EPMS system, replace existing equipment or enhance your current power monitoring capabilities, Albireo Energy will design the right solution for you.