On-Premise with Dedicated Support for Critical Power Facilities

On-site dedicated power management systems are needed for critical infrastructure monitoring. With Albireo’s technical expertise, customers are provided with on-site and remote support options

BEYOND Analytics displayed on a desktop computer.

We’re your mission-critical power distribution manager

Critical infrastructure management involves event-driven maintenance to maximize uptime based on equipment analytics, forensic information for post-event analysis, and power quality and consumption trending for better energy efficiency. Albireo utilizes the latest advanced software for real-time management and cloud-based analytics to continuously record electrical system data to alert users to anomalies.

Mission critical systems can’t go down

Albireo Energy helps facility managers and operators maintain a clear picture of their electrical infrastructure to enable capacity planning, cost allocation and faster recovery time in the event of an outage. Continuous power quality analysis finds system anomalies before they create issues.

  • Current and historical tracking and reporting
  • Real-time alarms with remote notification
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Integration via ModbusTCP, IEC 61850 and SNMP
  • Enable remote notifications for related systems
  • Scalable to meet future needs
  • Reduces energy consumption
  • Trends and tracks critical loads to maximize capacity
  • Risk management solutions for reliable power 24/7/365
  • SCADA development and system integration
  • Technology-agnostic solutions
  • Latest in HMI graphics to see critical data

Understanding your needs

Ensure 24/7/365 reliability and uptime

Reduce power consumption

Optimize facility performance

Plan electrical capacity before deployment

Monitor power quality with notifications

A tablet that says Power Realtime and shows analytics.

Ready to discuss your power monitoring needs?

Whether you want to install a new EPMS system, replace existing equipment or enhance your current power monitoring capabilities, Albireo Energy will design the right solution to provide continuous uptime for your critical power systems.

Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items