Scheduled Services

Your business never takes a break. Neither can your building systems.

Our planned approach to commissioning and maintenance to ensure that your building systems run with minimal disruption or downtime.
Albireo Energy employee in front of a work truck.

What it includes

Scheduled Services includes preplanned service visits, remote service, operator training and coaching, and prioritized emergency maintenance visits.

Scheduled Services: what it includes illustration

Preplanned Services Visits

Comprehensive System Performance Review and BAS Tune-up at critical points of the year.

Remote Service

Your first line of defense before rolling a truck saving time, money and gas.

Break/Fix Maintenance

Realtime service for when you can’t wait. Scheduled Services can cut maintenance costs by over 25% compared to reactive service.

Team Skill Building

Operator training to give your team maximum control over your building systems.

Unmatched Service Network

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Dozens of field service technicians in every major metropolitan area

Icon of building blocks

Certified across all major Original Equipment Manufacturers

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Working with world-class safety protocols & a zero-accident mindset

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Remote services to avoid rolling a truck when it is not necessary

Featured Blog

Get the Most Out of Your Scheduled Services

The #1 reason for a service call is that something has stopped working, which is typically related to critical building management equipment or systems being down.

Senior Living Service

A leading provider of senior living services selected remote services for maintaining and diagnosing building systems in the U.S. across 21 sites.

In 2022 alone, 278 work tickets were performed remotely saving 1,360+ gallons of gas and avoiding 12,100 grams of CO2 emissions.

Services Insights

Schedule time with an Albireo Energy Service Expert to discuss service agreements for building systems that are right for you.

Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items