Covid Relief Bill Advances Energy Initiatives

Covid Relief Bill Advances Energy Initiatives

The Covid Relief Bill that was approved by Congress in December includes about $35.2 billion in energy initiatives. The Energy Act of 2020 authorizes RD&D activities and programs to advance new technologies. Photovoltaics, new transportation technologies and...
Prepare for Your Energy Future with Fuel Cells

Prepare for Your Energy Future with Fuel Cells

Renewable Energy Buildings are being designed to be electric-powered to help with reducing fossil fuel usage. The irony is that a large part of the electric production today is coming from the use of fossil fuels, but this must be viewed as part of the transition to...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items