HB 1257 Energy Reporting: Meeting the Requirements

HB 1257 Energy Reporting: Meeting the Requirements

Meeting energy reporting requirements in any state may seem challenging. In Washington State, complying with HB 1257 is mandatory (fines if they aren’t met). Plus, it does have the potential to reduce your energy bills and environmental impact. In 2019, the Washington...
Can Data Centers Survive on Renewable Energy?

Can Data Centers Survive on Renewable Energy?

Data center operators regularly monitor energy usage and efficiency but have not traditionally tracked their carbon footprint. In an industry that is experiencing rapid growth, energy efficiency is a top priority to improve the bottom line. Data centers use 10 to 50...
Back To School: Back to Energy Conservation Efforts

Back To School: Back to Energy Conservation Efforts

Whether heading back to K-12 or university, our educational facilities are in full swing, which means they are consuming vast amounts of energy to function. Energy costs are the second largest expenditure for school budgets after personnel costs. The US EPA estimates...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items