What is Energy Benchmarking?

What is Energy Benchmarking?

In an effort to track the energy use of large commercial properties, most major U.S. cities have mandated benchmarking. Benchmarking requires property owners to annually measure their energy and water consumption and report usage to their cities through ENERGY STAR...
What is Energy Benchmarking?

Benchmarking Simplified

You may not be aware of it, but you probably use some form of benchmarking in your everyday life. Simply put, benchmarking is comparing one’s processes and performance metrics to others that are similar. Athletes compare their performance to that of their...
What is Energy Benchmarking?

BBP Provides Full Compliance

In 2013, the City of Boston enacted the Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance. This ordinance requires large buildings to annually report their energy and water use and greenhouse gas emissions to the City, which will then make the information available...
Hand holding a lightbulb with coins inside.

10 Mind-Blowing Energy Efficiency Actions for Data Centers

Hand with energy icons appearing from fingers

Turn Energy Usage and Building Data into Actionable Items